Frequently Asked Questions FAQ

Where are you located?

We are located within the Aegean Melathron Hotel, situated on the beachfront in Kallithea, Chalkidiki, Greece.

Do I need to be a guest at the hotel
to use your services?

What watersports activities
do you offer?

Do I need prior experience to
participate in watersports activities?

Are reservations required for
watersports activities?

What safety measures do you have in place?

Can children participate
in watersports activities?

What should I bring for
my watersports session?

What are your business hours?

How can I contact you for further inquiries or to make a reservation?

Find us


( if you want ):

Entrance to Hotel

Road to Beach

Photo Gallery

Member of

  • Safe Water Sports
  • Watersports Association Greece
  • TÜV AUSTRIA Academy